The items below are available for UW-Madison departments for their programmatic use. Acquiring this property for personal use is prohibited.
When you identify property your department needs, submit an Exchange Request and we will respond with a confirmation email.
Dock delivery is available for most items for an additional $10 fee (not available for monitors or projectors).
Quick Exchange Links
LCD Monitors
Monitors have been tested and do not appear to have any defects. Light wear or scuffing to the body of monitor is possible. Each monitor includes one power cable. Pick-up only – delivery is not available for monitors
To request an LCD monitor, submit an Exchange Request form using information provided in the spreadsheet below.
To view spreadsheet in a new window, click here.
Computer Peripherals
NEW Wired USB Keyboard
To request a keyboard, submit an Exchange Request form.
Item # 3001
Description = Wired USB Keyboard
Fee amount: $5 each
Quantity: Number requested
NEW Wired USB Mice
To request a USB computer mouse, submit an Exchange Request form.
Item # 4001
Description = Wired USB Mouse
Fee amount: $5 each
Quantity: Number requested