Warehouse Storage Rental

The Verona Operations MDS warehouse offers a variety of storage solutions specifically for University of Wisconsin Departments/Colleges/Divisions and other State of Wisconsin agencies. We offer centralized, convenient, state-of-the-art services, including:

  • Long-term and short-term storage options
  • Clean, dry, temperature-controlled facilities
  • Access to stored inventory during normal business hours (options that include 24-hour access to some areas exist)
  • Capability to develop customized electronic catalogs that allow ordering through ShopUW+ and next-business-day delivery
  • Storage rate lower than state contract rates, including pickup and delivery service
A shot of the warehouse interior showing packed shelves with various furniture items, boxes, metal racks, tables, and other items.

Requesting Storage

All storage, including rates for customized and/or inventoried storage of products and enablement of electronic catalog ordering, is established based on service requirements and finalized using a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between entities.

Monthly MDS charges for storage are based on the physical storage space and other services provided per request.

MDS Fee Schedule

Please email Tom Erickson at taerickson@wisc.edu for more information, to rent locations, or to see what other custom options are available to meet your School/College/Division or Agency storage needs.

Contact Warehouse Support

Find accounting Services

1061 Thousand Oaks Trail
Verona, WI 53593

email Accounting Services

MOU Storage: Tom Erickson

General Inquiries: mds@bussvc.wisc.edu

Call accounting services

MOU Storage: Tom Erickson
(608) 497-4434